Dellas Quality Certifications

The topic of sustainability is very important to us, and we have always been committed to the environment and its protection. The ISO 14001:2015 certification is our most recent milestone, which of course we are now committed to maintaining and improving year by year.

In 1973, the company’s founders made a commitment to create value in the short, medium and long term by paying special attention to natural capital, which is made up of environmental processes and resources. Therefore, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the company’s foundation, we planted 200 Paulownia plants, which we will maintain and care for over the next 10 years to improve air quality.
See the dedicated news in detail

With pride, in this section, we show you the environmental certificates we have obtained and our ethical codes. Click on the relevant buttons to download the documents

The Quality System of Dellas S.p.A.

The Dellas S.p.A. Quality System

The Dellas S.p.A. Quality System, based on the control of all company processes, was first certified and deemed compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9002:1994 standard in 1997 by ICIM (Istituto di Certificazione Industriale per la Meccanica) with certificate No. 0736 of 18/07/1997.

Over the years, the Quality System has always complied with the updated standards. It currently complies with ISO 9001:2015.

Corporate Environmental Management

The adoption of the ISO 14001 Standard has been certified to us in 2022.It is a voluntary commitment made to manage the environment in all its forms in an integrated manner. Compliance with standards on sustainable development and the balance between the environment, society and the economy, is the result of choices, behaviour and company organisation that aims to reduce the environmental impact that an industrial company can create; it aims to constantly improve performance and fulfil regulatory obligations; it lends itself to monitoring the life cycle of products, from design to disposal.

Quality and environment policy

Over the years, the quest for continuous product and process improvement has been the lever of the company’s success. Development has gone through the adoption of quality management principles in dealing with customer requirements, external obligations and constraints, and the needs of human and technological resources.

The Dellas S.p.A. Code of Ethics

Legality rating

The Antitrust Authority resolved, on 18/04/2024, to renew to our Company DELLAS S.p.A. the Legality Rating already assigned on 17/02/2022, 12/01/2021, 17/05/2017 and 10/03/2015, maintaining the maximum rating of “3 STARS”. We are included in the list of companies with a Legality Rating, pursuant to Art. 8 of the Regulation.

Profit and Legality Award

Thanks to our commitment certified by AGCM, we received the Legality and Profit Award 2022, as an honest and successful company. We are among the top 100 Italian companies.

Charter of Values

We are committed to disseminating the principles of the Charter of Values and Behaviour, among all relevant stakeholders both within the company and outside, who in various capacities bring their professionalism to our service.

Conditions of Sale

These are the general terms and conditions of sale prepared by Dellas S.p.a. to which all sales and deliveries of Dellas S.p.a. products are subject and which the purchaser undertakes to accept in full at the time of order placement.

Corporate information customers and suppliers - Italy

This refers to the information on the protection of personal data. The Personal Data Protection Code was adopted in Italy in accordance with Delegated Law 127/2001 and promulgated by the President of the Republic as Legislative Decree 196/2003. Currently known as the Consolidated Privacy Act, the Code introduces a number of innovations and in particular a series of obligations for companies. Specifically, this legislation provides for the adoption of precise organisational and security measures that must apply to data processing, in order to avoid heavy administrative and criminal sanctions.

Corporate information customers and suppliers - Foreign

The procedures and precautions adopted by Dellas S.p.a. to protect the personal data of non-Italian subjects are communicated.